INSTITUTE OF ARABIC HYD ( online & offline) Rotating Header Image

June, 2009:


In this course we teach people to do translations and who want make a career into translation professionals. Following translations are taught:

1. Arabic to English

2. English to Arabic

3. Arabic to Urdu

4. Urdu to Arabic

Special Courses on Hajj & Umrah

This is a intensive course of 10 days Batch for people who are planning to go for Hajj / Umrah. This course is conducted between the month of Jamaadi Awwal and Shaban. The following topics are covered in this couorse:

1. General Information of Makkah and Madinah

2. How to be in Ihraam

3. How to Perform Hajj / Umrah

4. Khususi Duaen of Hajj / Umrah

5. Masael of Hajj / Umrah

This is a must to do course for people planning for Hajj / Umrah.

Note: With the experience of 5 years in Hajj & Umrah classes, we have prepared an intensive 4 hour Audio CD by Mufti Asifuddin. This is available at our institute. Please contact to get this valuable informative CD.

Learn Urdu

There is a huge treasure of Knowledge hidden in Urdu for Muslims. We have efforts of 100 years in Quran, Hadees, Fiq & Tareekh, Literature, and on other topics. Our mother tongue is Urdu and we should learn Urdu not just for the sake of earning but for ourselves and for the coming generation, so that we get benefited out of its values.

After learning Urdu, we can ourselves continue reading and understanding Quran, Hadees, Fiq & Taareekh. Also, the existence language is by the people and not by books. If we forget this language then the valuable efforts of our ancestors will go in drain and we will never be forgiven.

Those who have their mother tongue as Urdu, can learn reading Urdu in a months time. This is the fact which you can very well give a try.

Azkar e Namaz

To Achieve in Namaz the proximity to the celestial joy, get brimming with taste and to achieve the expected rigour and concentration, it is mandatory that we must understand the Azkar-e-Namaz.

“Read Namaz with understanding”, this is also among the teachings of our Prophet (SAW) of Allah. Because, that Muhammad (SAW) said that “The way you see me offering prayer, you should also offer the prayer in the same manner” and also it is evident from “Hadees” that the prayers of our Prophet of Allah was full of concentration and devotion. This course is basically to follow, what has been said by the Prophet of Allah. These “Azkaar” has been read thousands times in the language of Risalat, so it is but obvious and we can feel that how important it is and what level of benefits we can achieve out of it. And believe me if we focus on it and concentrate giving a serious thought to it then the feeling of being in communication with Allah will be doubled and be real.

Two Month Course:

In this course first the Arabic Grammar is taught that is pertaining to Azkar-e-Namaz. In the subsequent month, starting from Takbeer Tahrima (Allahu Akbar) till Salam is taught with in-depth meaning. Also, from surah Feel to Suran Naas is taught with brief backgrounds of each surah.

One Month Course

This is a course in which we make you to remember all the Azkar-e-Namaz and also teach how to correctly pronounce it. This is also valuable and important course to correct our Namaz.
For the people who wish to learn Azkar-e-Namaz, we have prepared a book with following versions:

  • English
  • Urdu
  • Translitration (In English)

These books are available in our institute and softcopy can be downloaded from our download section.

In future we intend to publish this book in other regional languages.



Tajweed means reciting Quran correctly. Read Zabar, Zair and Pesh correctly and through which read the words appropriately. For example:

Ø® & Ù‚ & Ùƒ

ت & ط

ث / س / ص

ذ / ز / ظ / ض

If we do not pronounce above alphabets correctly and if the voice changes the meaning of the word will also change. Therefore we need to be extra careful for such words. Following are few examples to illustrate and showcase the change of meaning while using of above alphabets:


Shameless ذال:

Kick زال:

Shadow ظال:

Friend خليل:

Less قليل:

Alone كليل:

If we read Quran wrongly or improperly, the meaning will change, as shown above. This will lead to Gunah instead of Sawab. This we can not learn without the guidance of a Teacher.

The course of Tajweed is of one months and on completion of this course one could recite Quran properly. The other benefit of doing this course is that our Namaz will also get corrected and we will be satisfied and relaxed that we are reading properly in the Namaz.